Green Mango Salad

on Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I will be sharing to you this simple appetizer which I copied from Gerry's Grill Restaurant. It's so easy to prepare and I am sure you will also love this simple appetizer. It's the Green Mango Salad of Gerry's Grill Restaurant.

Green Mango Salad is a combination of onions, tomatoes and crushed chiraron and here's how to prepare this simple recipe.


1 green mango chopped
1 large onion chopped
2 tomatoes chopped
3/4 cup crushed chicharon
Sauteed alamang (Sauteed Small Shrimps)

1. With the tomatoes remove the seeds before chopping.

2. Combine all five ingredients.

3. Add alamang according to taste.

This appetizer is best for fried dishes and grilled recipes. You can add a little chili if you want it spicy hot.